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When it comes to illuminating your property, it takes more than one type of lighting to satisfy your needs. With different sized shapes and structures in your yard, the type of outdoor beam you select is essential. These outdoor beams spread lighting in various degrees, offering both narrow and wide lighting solutions to bring radiance to your space.
Beam spread refers to the beam's angle, which measures the spread of light (the width of the entire beam). How narrow or wide the lighting solution depends on which beam(s) you want to install. We recommend using multiple beam types for illuminating different aspects of your outdoor property.
There isn't a one-size-fits-all solution for lighting, especially outdoors. Usually, a mix of these different size beams plays a part in lighting your entire space. Each beam spread has its own positives and downsides. It all really depends on the specific structure you're lighting. Utilize a mixture of beam spreads to not only light your lawn but to make your property stand out from the rest.
12-17 Degree Beams: You can use 12–17-degree beams for tall narrow objects like palm trees. Note that the light is incredibly strong because it is fixated in such a strong area. The smaller the beam spread, the stronger the blast of light. Don’t select anything meltable or flammable to illuminate with this type of beam.
Spotlight beams: Spotlight beams often have a 24-degree spread and are mostly used from the ground up. They produce a very narrow cone of light, helping to illuminate the object at hand. Tall and narrow items look good under this lighting type, like some trees and large columns.
Flood lights: Can stretch from 35 to 60 degrees of light, helping to bring radiance to a larger space with less strong of a beam. Good for lighting objects from a distance, the spread of flood lights can be a welcomed addition to any property. These are best used on house facades, plants, and hanging balconies. It gives a more natural appearance compared to other beams.
Wide Beam Flood Lights: The 110-degree flood lights are used to cover extremely large areas. The beam is less strong on this one, as it is less concentrated in one direction, but it can still successfully light the side of a house. This dramatic light can look great on the side of a house without blasting into your windows.
Finding the right lighting for your property can make your place radiate and shine. Understanding how to not over-light small, thin structures with wide lights is an important lesson to learn. Fortunately, our experts can help you find the best outdoor lighting for your space. We’ll assist you in lighting your balconies, trees, garages, driveways, backyards, etc. There’s no limit to what we can light.
At Synergy Electric, we want everyone to receive the best lighting solutions for their property. A professionally installed lighting system can help prevent annoying light pollution and save you money on your energy bill by finding cost-effective solutions. We’ll also make sure every aspect of your home gets the spotlight it deserves.
With a growing team of experienced electrical contractors (we're hiring!), we're committed to lighting your project—no matter the scale. Call us at (862) 251-7280 or contact us online to learn more!
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